Cultural Council Meeting Minutes 04/19/2023

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    Otis Cultural Council


     April 19, 2023


This meeting was conducted in person and on Zoom.


  1. Call to Order: 6:07 p.m. Present:  Jeanne Randorf, Carole Burke, Arlene Tolopko, Deb Fogel, Carol Lombardo, Shanon Albee.


  1. Approval of the Minutes of March 15, 2023. Carol L. motioned to approve the minutes.  Deb seconded the motion.  The minutes were approved.


III.  Chair Report (Jeanne)

  1. Beautify Otis:  Flower Barrel update.  Jeanne will be checking all the barrels to see what shape they are in and will purchase new barrels as needed.  Jeanne’s goal is to replace two barrels each year.
  2. Thank you notes received: Jeanne has received thank you notes from the community and Berkshire South.


  1. Treasurer’s Report:


  1. The Council on Aging will be receiving $1,100 for the fitness class
  2. $7,500 for the screen at FRRES
  3. Bruce Mandel Composition Class–$1,000
  4. Literacy Night–$2,000
  5. Line Dancing at the Knox Trail Inn (June 4, 2-4p.m.)–$200
  6. Wanda Houston–$800
  7. Ken Packie Sculpture—approximately $5,000


After these expenses there will be approximately $11,000 left in the account


  1. Programs Coming Soon


  1. There are two events at the library this summer
  2. David Maloof
  3. Line Dancing-June 4 from 2-4 p.m. One hour of instruction and one hour of open dancing
  4. Meet and Greet: Committee will be meeting May 31 to plan the event


  1. Recycling Program: Jeanne reported that when a check is received she will make a copy and fill out the form to deposit the check.


VII.  Other Business


  1. Carol L. said that the Council on Aging would like to come to the school with rescue animals.
  2. Rob and Eric are leaving the school. It was proposed that the OCC help fund a good-bye party for them.  Jeanne and Shanon said that the OCC would not be able to fund this event.
  3. Arlene proposed bringing Ted Rosenthal to the school to perform for the children. Jeanne said that the request would have to be written as a grant.


VII.  Meeting Dates:






No October Meeting



The next meeting will be May 17, 2023 at 6:00 p.m.


The meeting was adjourned at 7:05 p.m.


Minutes submitted by Carole Burke