Council on Aging Minutes 07/13/2016


Meeting was called to order at 10:40 by Ralph

In attendance were Ralph; Pat; Joe; Dotty:

Minutes of meeting of June 6, 2016 were read

Motion to accept made by Joe, seconded by Dotty vote to accept was unanimous.

Treasurers report by Dotty – No Statement

Ralph gave a run down on our Canada trip, showing that everything is scheduled.

Ralph read a report on the Formula Grant Budget for 2016/2017 in which our State budget was increased to $5,000.00. Our out-reach to seniors is on target, including listing of emails.

Need to update info in the Berkshire Eagle about Otis COA and the senior bus.

Ralph reviewed the 2017 trip survey sheets which will be included in our Canada trip packets

Our 2016 Bar-B-Q has been set for September 21st with Lyn Pyenson doing the honors. Price to remain at $5.00 p/p with sign- up sheet available at the center

Discussion on Friendship Tour proposal – Possibly a problem with their bus coming to Otis and Lee. Ralph to have a meeting with them and will get comparison pricing for a couple of future trips.

File of life program is waiting to receive our check. Everything is on hold til then.


Joe to call Koii for out to lunch

Pat: set up for Canada trip Sunday after Russ Loring’s party

Meeting adjourned at 11:10 AM

Motion to accept minutes as written by Angie, seconded by Joe Ryan, unanimous vote yes 10:40AM 8/10/2016