Board of Selectmen Minutes 10/11/2016

Town of Otis
Select Board Meeting Minutes
October 11, 2016

Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm in the Town Hall conference room.

Present: Select Board Chair Roberta Sarnacki, Selectman Bill Hiller, Selectman Don Hawley, Hank Wingate, Walter Engels


The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Roberta Sarnacki who announced the meeting was being recorded.

Approval of Minutes: The September 27, 2016 Select Board meeting minutes were unanimously approved as written. The September 26, 2016 All Boards minutes were approved as written by Don and Bill with Roberta abstaining.

Berkshire Trail Riders Assn: This was notification of a second trail ride throughout town and was noted. Roberta will have extra hands for this event.

Final Computer Policy: Since Chris is out so the final version was not available for tonight’s meeting so this was tabled to the next Select Board meeting.

White House Police Data Initiative: Roberta went to Washington, DC in August for a Community Policing Initiative and as a follow up, she would like to implement this recommended action. She has chosen three areas to keep updated and will not have names attached to the information. Other towns throughout the nation in all sizes are already doing this as greater transparency for their police departments. The reports would look similar to what is provided in the Annual Town Report.

Winter Snow Removal and School Closings: As a followup to concerns mentioned at the September All Boards meeting, School Superintendent Tom Nadolny met with Sandisfield and sent an email to the Select Board as to how Sandisfield proposes to meet snow removal needs this coming winter. Tom also suggested that both Sandisfield and Otis notify the school business office before 5:30 am if the roads are bad. Roberta said this is fine, but does not address when the road conditions get bad after the buses are on the road. Lisa was asked to forward the email to the Otis Highway department.

Hank: Hank mentioned the Veteran’s Project will be transported to the School for Veteran’s Day for a presentation. Hank hopes to get additional veterans signed up for this project then as well. He also has older National Geographic issues on loan from John Stanmeyer available for review in the law library at Town Hall.

Walter: He asked about a house on Algerie Road that was in foreclosure. It is now sitting on the property in disarray and wanted to know what was happening with it. He was directed to check with the building inspector.

Hank: He has left notes on ideas as to what to do with the East Otis School and Meeting House lot.


At 7:21 pm the Select Board meeting was unanimously adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted,
Lisa D’Orazio
Selectmen’s Secretary
Town of Otis

List of Documents

A copy of the email from the Berkshire Trail Riders announcing their event will be filed with these meeting minutes.
A copy of the email from Roberta about the Police Data Initiative and the attached flyer will be filed with these meeting minutes.
A copy of the email from Tom Nadolny will be filed with these meeting minutes.
A copy of the email announcing BRPC’s 50th Anniversary Celebration dinner will be filed with these meeting minutes.