Board of Assessors Minutes 06/07/2016

Board of Assessors Meeting
Location: Otis Town Hall
JUNE 7, 2016
Meeting Agenda

The Meeting was called to order by Chairman Russell Loring at 6:40pm. Chairman Loring and Kathy Rider in attendance. The minutes of the May 3, 2016 were reviewed and accepted.
Since this was the first meeting after town elections, it is our reorganization meeting. Heather was not able to attend, but left a note that she had no problem with Russ Loring remaining as Chairman of the Board of Assessors if he still wanted the position. There being no others interested in the position at this time, Russell Loring will remain as Chairman for another year.
Russell Loring noted Kathy Rider as Vice-Chairman. Russell Loring and Kathy Rider voted Heather Venne Secretary.
Chairman Loring stated he will attend next week’s Selectman’s meeting to discuss the RRG contract with the Assessors Office. Apparently, the Selectmen still have some questions and concerns.
In addition, the Board approved the following:
MAY 2016 Motor Vehicle Abatements
Approve Motor Vehicle Commitment 3-2016

There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:30pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen Rider