School Committee Minutes 02/01/2016

Farmington River Regional School District
Farmington River Elementary School
555 North Main Road, Otis, MA 01253

Monday February 1, 2016 – 7:00 PM
Meeting #332


Members Present: Nick DellaGiustina, Jessica Drenga, Alicia Dunaj, Carol Lombardo, John Skrip, Sandy Snyder, Tom Nadolny, Jane Gleason, JoAnn Austin, Teresa DellaGiustina
Absent: Arlene Tolopko

Guests: Shannon Albee, Tara Consolati, Kathy Couch, Sherry DeCelle, Craig Drenga, Cynthia Lynch, Meaghan Martin, Christine McArthur, Star O’Brien, Mary Turo

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order as submitted at 6:55p.m. by Alicia Dunaj.

Approval of Minutes of Meeting #331: The Minutes of Meeting #331 were unanimously approved as submitted. Motioned by Carol Lombardo, Seconded: Nicholas DellaGiustina.
Will the School Committee vote to amend the current Wellness Policy to reflect the one change required by the DESE Child Nutrition Program Review report? Vote required
Motioned by Jessica Drenga, Seconded by John Skrip. The School Committee voted unanimously to amend the current Wellness Policy to reflect the required change by DESE. The only change is the amount of ounces of juice served to our students. The kitchen/nutrition staff, under the supervisory of Kendra Rybacki, did an excellent job on their state review. They are complimented for their hard work and diligence for following the nutrition guidelines.

Will the School Committee review and revise the current “Public Participation” at School Committee meetings? If the policy is revised, a vote is required. Motioned by
Carol Lombardo, Seconded by Jessica Drenga. The School Committee voted to keep this policy as is. Through further discussion and some concerns brought up by the guests, the School Committee will readdress this policy in March’s meeting. If anything is revised, the School Committee will vote on amending the policy for the new additions or changes.

Will the School Committee describe and define the number of members to meet and the parameters by which its members will contact and meet with members of the Berkshire Hills Regional School Committee? Vote required. Motioned by Alicia Dunaj, Seconded by Nicholas DellaGiustina. The School Committee voted to form a subgroup made up of 3 members: John Skrip, Arlene Tolopko, and Sandy Snyder. Carol Lombardo is the alternate.
DRAFT OF 2016-2017 FRRSD school calendar. The calendar was presented to the School Committee to look over and to be voted on in March’s meeting.
Review the FY17 school budget. Jane Gleason discussed the school budget for the next fiscal year, FY17. There is an increase in the overall budget by 2.5%. Jane would like to propose forming a stabilization fund for the school, setting aside money each year in this fund to cover unexpected capital expenses. This would let the school handle the expenses without going to a special town meeting to ask the tax payers to aid financially during the fiscal year.