Recreation Commission Minutes 02/16/2017

Recreation Commission
February 16, 2017, Thursday @ 6:30PM
Harmony Hall, 70 North Main Road, Otis, MA

Meeting called by & time: Kathy Carroll, 6:40PM.
Meeting facilitated by: Kathy Carroll.
Board Members Present: Kathy Carroll, Bill Dyer, Mary Adams, Dana Pustinger.
Board Members Absent: None.
Others Present: Patricia Richard, Program Supervisor.

Introductions. None needed.
Review & approval of Minutes. 1/26/17.
FY18 Budget review. Reviewed recent revisions – emailed breakdown on line items programs and continuing education as requested by Chris Morris 2/8/17.
Town Report. Kathy & Patricia met to work on the report – will be submitted next week.
Rec Center. Patricia provided a report of Rec Center building usage through the keypad system since it was installed (2008, partial year) indicating increased usage with each year, but a noting a decrease due to the weight room closure, March 2016 to present.
Weight Room. No update.
501c3. Mary will provide an update at next month’s meeting.
Facility Usage request. Kathy provided an update and will meet with Chris Morris to discuss further.
Programs/Project Proposals.
Updates. 1. Discussed Cardio Blast Thursday evenings – continue trial (for evening class) through March & April, then evaluate. 2. Patricia noted that there has been an increase in the Magic Wings membership since our budget proposal was submitted – from $180 to $210. 3. Discussed Otis Ridge & Maple Corner Farm criteria – the following criteria “Use of pass (lift ticket and/or rental) is restricted to OTIS RESIDENTS, OTIS TAXPAYERS & their immediate MINOR (under age 18) children ONLY (Immediate family=partners, spouses & children,~not~grandchildren).~ Not valid for guests.” has been revised to “Use of pass (lift ticket and/or rental) is restricted to OTIS RESIDENTS, OTIS TAXPAYERS & their dependent children ONLY (Immediate family=partners, spouses & children,~not~grandchildren).~ Not valid for guests.”
Old Business. Obstacle course event – Dana will report at next month’s meeting about YMCA’s course.
New Business.

Meeting adjourned at: 8:30PM.
Respectfully submitted by: Patricia Richard.
Submitted to Town Clerk.