Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes 03/22/2018

Recreation Commission

March 22, 2018, Thursday @ 6:30PM

Harmony Hall, 70 North Main Road, Otis, MA



Meeting called by & time:  Kathy Carroll, 6:58PM.

Meeting facilitated by:  Kathy Carroll.

Board Members Present:  Kathy Carroll, Bill Dyer.

Board Members Absent:  Mary Adams, Dana Pustinger.

Others Present:  Patricia Richard, Program Supervisor.



  1. Introductions. None needed.
  2. Review & approval of Minutes.  Reviewed & approved 2/1/18.
  3. Accounting.  Reviewed.  Patricia explained that she would contact the Town Accountant regarding questions on a few transactions – discrepancies, capital expense, donation deposit (ski helmets).  Discussed line items:  1. remaining amount for Town Beach – it was decided to purchase sun safety materials, samples for swim participants.  2.  Website is over budget due to changeover to new website/platform.
  4. MRPA Conference.  Discussed, attended several workshops – Christian’s Law, Social Media/Communications and found these to be very helpful.
  5. FY19 Budget.  No update.  Bill attended the first budget meeting of the season as both Patricia & Kathy were away at the MRPA conference.  Bill inquired about the COLA and merit increases – the maximum an employee can receive is 5%.  Merit increases are based on evaluations.
  6. Rec Center.  Patricia presented the help wanted ad for the swim instructor and swim assistant and will find out from Becky regarding the Town’s requirements for ads.
    1. Cardio Room – salt/debris.  There are a number of gym users not cleaning their sneakers prior to using the equipment.  Salt/debris is getting into the motor/circuit board area.  Patricia explained that the Rec Center access application includes this information, signs are posted on the equipment and right next to the sign-in sheets.  Applicants also receive this information at their building orientation.
    2. Facebook.  DiscussedPatricia explained that she contacted Becky Stone regarding the Town’s social media policy and if there was any other information that we should know before proceeding.  This would be structured as a information purposes only website, including postings, cancellations, etc. – it will be noted that if someone has an inquiry that they should contact the Rec Center Office directly, not by posting a inquiry.
  7. Staff.
    1. Instructors.
    2. Employees.
    3. Ethics Training.
    4. Rec Center Handout.  Reviewed & approved by Becky Stone to be distributed to Rec Center staff.  The Town’s Personnel Policy will also be distributed to Rec Center instructors who have been classified as employees.
  8. Programs/Project Proposals.
    1. Ayurveda Workshop—4/7/18.
    2. Basket Weaving Workshop – 4/14/18.  Changed to ages 19+.
    3. Egg Hunt—3/24, rain date 3/25.  Discussed the idea of changing the date going forward (due to the weather).
    4. Fun in the Sun – community event, 7/21/18.  Discussed – this event is scheduled at the Town Hall.
    5. Glass Blowing Workshop – liability & insurance.
    6. Jewelry Workshop—June.  Scheduled for 6/2/18, Saturday, 1:00-3:00PM @ the Town Hall.
    7. Maple Corner Farm.  Admission pass holders must return their passes to the Rec Center Office by 3/31/18 otherwise they forfeit future usage.  This information is included on the pass.  Passes contain the number of visits – dates & participant name.
    8. Obstacle Course – 8/18/18.
    9. Otis Ridge.  Season was extended due to the snow.  Closing weekend of 3/25/18.
    10. Ski Helmet Day—Update.  Went well, checked & distributed helmets.
    11. Swim Lessons.
  1. Christian’s Law.
  2. Packets.
    1. Terrarium Workshop – 5/5/18?  Project proposal hanging flower basket workshop was submitted and reviewed.  Approved.
  1. Memos.
  2. Old Business.
  3. New Business.
  4. Adjourn.



Meeting adjourned at: 8:25PM.

Respectfully submitted by: Patricia Richard.

Submitted to Town Clerk.