Planning Board Minutes 01/09/2017

Town of Otis
Planning Board Meeting Minutes
January 9, 2017
Town Hall Inspectors’ Office


Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm in the Otis Town Hall Inspectors’ Room. The meeting is recorded and a quorum is present.

Present: Hal Kobrin, Michael Ernst, Jim Carlin, Terry Cook, Jim Kauffman, Al Koivisto

Others: Polly Carlin

Approval of Minutes: The December 12, 2016 minutes were unanimously approved as written. Michael made the motion to accept the minutes and Al seconded.

Review Next Fiscal Year Budgets: Both budgets will remain the same and be level-funded. Approved unanimously. Michael moved to accept the budgets as level-funded and Terry seconded.

Review Planning Board Annual Town Report: Hal will do a write-up similar to last year’s report. Michael requested the report draft be emailed to all Planning Board members.

BRPC Marijuana Workshop: Hal let everyone know about BRPC’s Workshop that will be held on Thursday, January 26th. The purpose of the workshop is to guide municipalities on zoning, permitting, and other considerations. Registration is required and the workshop is free.

Michael moved the meeting be adjourned, Terry Cook seconded, and the meeting was unanimously adjourned at 7:10 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,
Lisa D’Orazio
Planning Board Clerk
Town of Otis

List of Documents

A copy of the BRPC Workshop email and flyer will be filed with these meeting minutes.