Planning Board Meeting Minutes 08/14/2017

Town of Otis
Planning Board Meeting Minutes
August 14, 2017
Town Hall Inspectors’ Office

Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm in the Otis Town Hall Inspectors’ Room. The meeting is recorded and a quorum is present.

Present: Michael Ernst, Terry Cook, Jim Kauffman, Rona Knight, Hal Kobrin, Jen Daily, Al Koivisto

Others: Patricia Richard, Kathy Carroll, Patrick McColgan

Approval of Minutes: The July 17, 2017 Planning Board meeting minutes were unanimously approved as written. Hal made the motion to accept and Rona seconded.

Form A ANR: Patrick McColgan had not arrived. Tabled.

BRPC Marijuana Workshop 2: Hal has already registered for this workshop to be held on Thursday, August 24th in Lenox. Michael will speak with Gary and see if he is interested in going as well.

Building Use Subcommittee: Michael noted that Terry Cook had been appointed by the Select Board to represent Planning’s interest on this subcommittee. Rona and Jenny still needed to see the buildings involved in reuse so they will coordinate with each other. Any write-ups from Planning Board members will be submitted to Lisa to document and Michael and Larry will coordinate any site visits. Once the discussion takes place, Planning would like to provide a questionnaire to the public to get their opinion as well.

Rona had to leave at 7:15 pm, but a quorum was still present so the rest of the Board decided to wait for Patrick, who was enroute. General discussion on the building usage continued to get Jenny up to speed.

Patrick McColgan arrived at 8:03 pm.

Form A ANR: Patrick McColgan was representing Carl Lankey for 1828/1780 East Otis Road, Map 16 Lot 44. Carl wants to split one lot into four. Everyone was reminded that this was located in the Village District and Village District rules applied. The four lots all met the requirements, and the lot splits were unanimously approved. Michael made the motion to accept and Terry seconded. Payment of $140.00 was made at the meeting, the mylar was signed, and Planning has two signed copies.

Michael moved the meeting be adjourned, Jen seconded, and the meeting was unanimously adjourned at 8:07 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,
Lisa D’Orazio
Planning Board Clerk
Town of Otis

List of Documents

1. A copy of the Form A ANR for Carl Lankey will be filed with these meeting minutes.

2. A copy of BRPC’s notice for the second Marijuana Workshop will be filed with these meeting minutes.

3. A copy of the updated Planning Board Contact List will be filed with these meeting minutes.